Sunday, May 20, 2012

A Combo Cloud Drive

Grabbing freebies for cloud storage?!  I have a  Sky drive of 7 GB , Google Drive of 5 GB , Drop Box of 2 GB , of 5 GB. That’s enough of  drive space  to carry files on the “drive” and equally cumbersome to manage. Almost all these storage solutions comes up with a mini app, so as to drag and drop your files.  Otixo is  a solution to combine all your clouds together and make an easy living.

A single umbrella  to the clouds , Otixo  has a desktop solution. I would not call it an App , as the site claims , but a solution which you should be able to swear by in the future. Its  nothing but a WebDAV feature.Microsoft introduced WebDAV client support in Microsoft Windows 98 with a feature called "Web folders". How many of us have effectively used it?  I am surprised that  many of these old features and commands are now coming so handy.[Refer to my previous blog on the DOS Command – SUBST]
To work with Otixo , just prepare a new sign-in and start enumerating the cloud storages you would like to get linked. If you have a FTP or WebDAV space , Otixo will allow you to integrate.
Once done, map a network drive to  Enter the Username and password which you supplied while signing-up.


You would love to use it when perplexed with so many storages.
But, every unit has a scope for improvement. Otixo does not come with a Mobile App!!! And, if you have a baggage full of data to be accessed, it allows only 250 MB bandwidth per month.
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